Туристические услуги, пассажирские перевозки

+375 (152) 55-33-33
+375 (152) 555-755
+375 (29) 772-39-60 (МТС)
+375 (29) 302-39-60 (Вел)

ООО "Зет" г. Гродно
ул. Калючинская, 21-208

УНП 500032557, зареги-
стрировано 15.12.2000 г.


Application for visa-free entry to "Brest-Grodno"

assist_main_2color.png master-card-secure-code_verifed_by Логотипы Visa belkart.png

Attention! An application for processing documents for visa-free entry to the Brest-Grodno zone must be sent at least 2 working days in advance.


I needed the following services:

Fill in the list of all foreign citizens entering the territory of the visa-free zone "Brest-Grodno"

не более: 10
  1. Your application will be processed by our manager, and the cost will be calculated
  2. You will be sent a reply where will be written the value of the reserved services for your approval.
  3.  After agreement of the list and the value of the reserved services, you need to send an e-mail with the exact data of all visitors (name, passport series, passport number, nationality, sex, date of birth). To avoid errors, it is advisable to send an e-mail copy of the passport page with this data.
  4. After agreement of reserved services, you will be sent the invoice for payment.
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